Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two more...two less...two new...too much

Completed two more shows, Chalk Walk in Hyde Park and Bloom'nChalk in Safety Harbor. Had a great time at both and am really loving the other artists!!

 Lost two cameras in Hyde Park...bummer! Hope someone really needed them!

Actually had two wins at Safety Harbor!! One retroactive for the critters last year. This year I won the history division. Too exciting for belief!!

Got word of another event next month, the 21st in Gainesville. Would love to go, but have a responsibility to a Girl Scout 100th event...good side of that is it will be chalk related! Chalk for G.S. and G.S. for chalk....it's a true year to celebrate!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Haines City Arts in the Park and Street Painting Festival

Another Girl Scout 100th anniversary picture completed. I confess that I did not do as well as I should have and that I corrected the photo for perspective. The weather was pretty good, but we did have a brief rain shower and a couple of bouts of sprinkles. Temperature was  good though and the location was beautiful! Sandy M. came in the afternoon and was a great help. Many thanks Sandy!

Hope to do better this coming week at Hyde Park Chalk Walk. Fingers crossed for weather and performance!!

About Me

My photo
Brooksville, Florida
Raised in Michigan, Roni François developed her love of art while perusing the Flint Institute of Arts’ galleries and art books at the nearby library. Her initial plunge into self-expression was working in oils. Roni relocated to South Florida where she exhibited in shows in Lake Worth and West Palm Beach. While her children were young, Roni switched to three-dimensional arts including costume design, pine needle basketry and soft sculpture. After short stints of work in colored pencil, fabric art, pastel and acrylics; watercolor has become the main focus of her artwork. Now living in Brooksville, Florida, the largely self-taught artist delves into such varied subjects as wildlife, portraiture, still-life, florals, landscapes and seascapes. Recently, she has added chalk shows to her interests and has now participated in 24 shows around Florida, and demonstrated the process for 2 groups of Girl Scouts

2011 Chalk for Japan

2011 Chalk for Japan

In the Pond

In the Pond
SAF 2011

What Light by Yonder Window Shineth

What Light by Yonder Window Shineth
Sarasota 2011


Sitting on the balcony in Sarasota!